For your comfort and convenience we have made the following hotel arrangements, both in and around Ocean City, Maryland. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at these special rates until May 26.
2800 North Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City
Located on the beach, and one block from the boardwalk, every guestroom has an oceanfront balcony. With our discounted rate, the rooms are $299 a night. Call 410-289-1100 and ask for the room block under “Zumbrun wedding.”
We've arranged a free shuttle departing from Dunes Manor at 4:45 and returning to Dunes Manor after the ceremony.
2 North Main Street, Berlin
A cute, historic hotel, located about 10 miles inland from Ocean City. Rooms range between $105-220 a night. This is a small boutique hotel with limited rooms. Call 410-641-3589 and ask for the room block under "Zumbrun wedding."
* Please note that Dunes Manor and the Atlantic require a 2-night minimum stay (common for hotels near the beach in the summer).
We also will have a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn in Salisbury. This block has no minimum night stay, but it is about 30-40 minutes inland from Ocean City.
121 E. Naylor Mill Road, Salisbury
Rooms are $125. Call 410-334-3080 and ask for the “Zumbrun/Mahn Wedding” block.